![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:21 • Filed to: Grand Theft Auto | ![]() | ![]() |
I need to know if I'm crazy or not. GTA V is a great game, but so far I really hate the driving.
I know lots of people complained about the "boat-like" driving physics in GTA IV, and while it was a little too loose sometimes, I really think they nailed it. Cars had proper weight (if not balance) and agility (or lack of), and accordingly collisions felt very real. Damage was also incredibly impressive, with the body deforming in very organic ways. All they had to do was tighten the body roll a tiny bit and give the sports cars a more pronounced handling boost, and they would've been good to go for GTA V.
After playing a few hours of the new one, I am incredibly disappointed with what they've done. The physics are a huge step backwards - cars ride around like theyre on rails, turns seem to originate from the mid point of the car rather than the front wheels, and you can smash your car into another head-on at top speed and simply bounce off with a slightly dented bumper. It's bullshit. It's funny that Rockstar saw fit to include "driving ability" as a customizable character stat that will improve with practice - it starts off laughably easy and never changes.
More regression - remember how your car would catch on fire and explode every time it flipped over in the PS2 versions? And then they wisely ditched that in GTA IV? Well, it's back in a modified way - if your car is being launched from a decent height and lands hard on anything except the wheels (which results in zero damage), it will instantly explode. No warning, no chance to escape. In IV, you could spawn a car at the top of a skyscraper, drive off, and see some really impressive body deformation when it landed. Not anymore.
The game runs very smoothly, and I suspect that the simplified driving has something to do with that. But this series is supposed to be THE gold standard in open world games, doing everything better than everyone else. I'd take a few laggy bits in a second for the chance to feel like I'm not playing a well-done GTA ripoff.
I may be more biased towards the handling in IV because of my love of 70s land yachts, but if you ran the two side by side and asked someone who'd never seen either to pick which had more realistic handling, they'd pick the old one. The driving in GTA IV wasn't bad - you were bad at it.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:26 |
No. The game isn't a driving sim. I don't want cars to behave realistically when I'm being chased by the National Guard. There's a point where realism for realism's sake starts to intrude on fun.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:27 |
Can't pick up V until tomorrow but I didn't particularly like the driving in 4. I found for extremely overrated, but the driving was pretty shit, even though I was good at it, was an easy enough system to learn. The improved/changed driving may be due to a larger Midnight Club influence than in previous games.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:30 |
Played for a couple of hours already and I actually think the driving is better.
Maybe because it's easier, but driving is not the main point of this game.
I only want to escape the police.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:31 |
It's not a driving sim, but the title is Grand Theft Auto and 95% of the missions require the use of a car. I just think they could've toed the line between arcade and sim a little better.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:32 |
Driving isn't the point, but it's part of 95% of the missions. They overcompensated for IV.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:32 |
The driving in V feels a LOT like the driving in MC:LA.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:33 |
As long as you don't flip a sports car by clipping the curb with the inside wheel, I'll be fine with it.
Seriously, that was horribly annoying.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:35 |
honestly i feel the "perfect" driving for a GTA game is some where in between IV and V. IV was great with sliding around but at times it felt like I would slide even if I was going 10mph. V is great for actual car control except for the fact the tires are a bit too grippy and it is harder to get into a slide/power slide.
The body roll in IV drove me nuts where in V cars actually feel like they have some form of real structure and older cars have more roll than newer cars.
Car damage was great in GTA:IV but we also didn't have any customization. In IV you would steal car, drive it until it crashed then get a new one. In V, you steal a car and if you like it, you customize it. You could easily lose $10k on a car you just customized and pull out into traffic to just get hit by another car that would make all your doors fall off and hood fly off from tapping you. Would having GTA:IV damage in GTA:V add realims? Yes but it would ruin the fun aspect for a majority of the consumers. I expect GTA:V to be modded with this in mind when it is released for the PC because I know you are not alone in your annoyance towards the damage.
What I haven't done is max out a car's performance without touching improved brakes and tires, that might help with the realistic grip aspect?
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:35 |
I like the new driving physics. There's a tightness and solidity that was always lacking. In all I think the focus is on more realism. I can notice a difference going between Franklin (who I've maxed out his driving skill) and Michael's driving.
As for damage, have you noticed how the damage effects steering, speed and acceleration? You can jam up the wheels and lose steering or drive and if you keep clipping things the car loses quite a bit of speed.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:37 |
I'm from an objective standpoint, I have never played any GTA games (I know, right?) but I can say this:
The breaking point should be based on reward . When you evade the cops, is it more rewarding? Throw realism out the window, that doesn't matter here, only reward from obtaining a skill .
Take both games, and ask these questions:
Does the driving punish you if you drive very very badly?
Does the driving help you out if you drive well?
Is driving well sufficiently difficult?
Is there always room to improve, so you get more reward?
Does a player tend to improve fast enough that the rewards do not diminish too quickly?
Is it difficult to improve to the point where you drive "good enough" that you never need to think about it?
The more times you answer Yes, the better they did it.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:41 |
TL;DR I'm a fucking genius.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:42 |
You make some great points. I have a feeling they knew how many sales records they were going to break with GTAV and neutered the driving to make it accessible to the widest range of people. I haven't actually checked out the car customization yet, because I know I'll spend all my money and I want to wait until I have a little more (no cheats here!). Good idea!
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:43 |
I've been playing the game normally (not trying to stunt or cheat code cars on top of bridges) and haven't had a single problem with driving.
I haven't done any RACES yet, so I haven't had the NEED to drive fast, to be honest I've been taking my time driving from place to place. Haven't had a mission yet where time was of the essence.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:45 |
There is a skill system in GTA5. Perhaps as you increase your skill and become used to the physics, the physics will become more "sloppy/realistic" meaning the driving will become more difficult and require more input/precision from the player?
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:46 |
It's true, they've really jacked up the damage that will debilitate your car. I've even had a tire pop in a particular pointy collision, which was very impressive. I just wish the car bodies themselves deformed a little more. I've noticed that smashing into a static object (tree, stone bench, metal pole) will do a lot more damage than smashing head on into a car at twice the speed.
I've gotten more used to the physics, but I noticed it the most when driving the early 80's de Ville knockoff. There is almost zero body roll and the turning radius is as tight as the sports cars.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:46 |
That can happen in real life though, depending on the speed and angle.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:47 |
Well, that's the thing. It's completely trouble-free. I guess I have a masochistic side that likes to feel like I'm fighting for control as I speed down the highway with 10 cruisers and a chopper in pursuit.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:48 |
Not the best thing.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:48 |
One can hope!
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:50 |
Of course it's possible, but I roll over sports cars more often than trucks and SUVs. That shouldn't happen.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:51 |
Mostly no's. I know most people will say that they don't particularly care about the driving physics in a game like these, and mostly I agree, but I was just such a fan of IV that this seems like a step backwards. I find it way more rewarding to escape from the cops when the driving is difficult versus simply holding down the throttle and slaloming like a pro simply by flicking the stick.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:52 |
I certainly dont miss the under steer of the AWD and FWD and the drive on Ice over steer of almost every RWD car in IV. The driving pace is also significantly better in V. For example I could be in GTA IV in the super GT a full speed and it would still look like i was barely passing cars on the highway.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:52 |
i wish it was a little bit better, but it isnt a big deal you get used to it and get over it, the game is fantastic
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:53 |
I had fun with MC, whereas I felt like driving vehicles in older GTA titles were more like driving halo warthogs.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:53 |
True. They definitely weren't perfect, but they were much closer to what I want in open-world driving physics than what they've done in GTA V. This stuff is always subjective though.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:57 |
It's funny you say that, because I was thinking the exact opposite. They reduced the motion blur at high speeds by a lot, which I think reduces the sense of speed. I was taken aback at one point speeding through downtown LS at top speed - it didn't seem like I was going too fast, but I hit the brakes and skidded for hundreds of feet. Other cars in GTA IV did move too fast relative to your speed, though.
The oversteer was problematic, especially at low speeds, but I found it way more fun to learn to adjust to that than rail-like handling.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:57 |
Maybe I should reserve Judgement until I play V, but I'm not sure if I'm going to get it yet. My money and time has better uses right now.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:58 |
Yeah, I'm starting to, and the game is incredible. I'm planning my first heist right now and I can't wait. I just needed to rant.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 15:59 |
Well the handling in the PS2 versions was an entirely different beast altogether. I've never played MC:LA, but I know it didn't have the warmest reception overall.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 16:00 |
Oh it definitely wasn't any sim racer, that is for sure. But it was still fun, and that matters far more in a game like this.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 16:14 |
Yeah i noticed the blur is gone too, but i dont mind that.... GTA IV's blur made me feel like a was Paul walker trying to prove myself to Vin Diesel. I think in both E-braking has its issues, but then again, going full speed and pulling the ebrake and turning the wheels would probably result in similar problems. My biggest problem with IV was the Understeer. it was maddening, and being always in a city having to slow way down to make sharp turns SUCKED. Maybe if they had incorporated Franklins focus in GTA IV the understeer and constant hard stops to corner wouldnt have been so bad. All in all I am very pleased by this game and its driving mechanics. only 2 hours and 47 minutes till i am done with work and can play again.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 16:24 |
Good points all around. I'm pleased with everything except the driving. And I have four hours left!
![]() 09/19/2013 at 16:29 |
I've had the Ford GT thing at speed, and it's pretty stable. Depends on the car I guess. The old hoopties handle like old hoopties.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 16:30 |
Well I picked it up late last night and played for 4 horus or so and I have to say the driving was dissapointing. Now I admit I havent handled an xbox controller in a while so some of this could be me but when I hopped into the R8 type car and tried to drive I was all over the place. The feeling felt way to sensitive and the car was super twitchy. when I went to the first race I had a Mini and the thing understeered like a pig and was also fairly twitchy. And I have spun out more often than in any GTA prior. I just want the game to feel tight. If im in a supercar then I want to have to be careful with throttle but have tight and communicative steering. And I dont want to feel like im on ice all the time. HAvign said that i am sure that with mods and skills driving will get more realistic not less so I will not judge yet. I do have to say the game is badass though and I cant wait to get deeper into it tonight.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 16:40 |
Twitchy is a good word for the driving. I too can't wait to get back, despite my hypocritical complaints.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 16:43 |
I THINK the same happened in GTA:SA, the skill actually made your driving improve, though it took an incredible amount of miles to get it to 100%, but by the ending of the game (or a little earlier) the driving was MUCH better than at the beginning. Some cars were always dreadful though.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 16:52 |
I bought the game yesterday. I'm visiting family right now, so I haven't played it yet. But gta 4 had wonderfully challenging and floaty driving physics. Just like an old cop movie. And it was a challenge! I'm really worried the driving is going to feel like sleeping dogs, which had adequate driving physics but that's it.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 16:57 |
EXACTLY. I don't get why more people don't see the old-cop-movie appeal. I'm afraid you're going to be in for a bit of a letdown - not a huge letdown, as the rest of the game is amazing, but it's definitely a nagging feeling. I probably shouldn't have played days of GTA IV this summer in preparation.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 17:07 |
Yeah, easy is not good. Gta has always been primarily about driving cars. Gta 3 was amazing because it did everything it did, plus it had nearly (contemporary) sim racing complexity built into its car physics. Gta4 exaggerated the floaty ness a bit, but it fit really well with the tone and allowed players to really play with weight transfer. It wasn't the most realistic but it was deep and required extreme concentration to navigate the city properly.
The thing is, I almost waited for it to come out on PC (where modders can easily fix such issues) but then decided I couldn't wait. Now I'm having buyers remorse.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 17:44 |
I do, and I don't.
In some ways, I prefer the driving in V. The boatiness and driving-on-ice traction of IV was neato, but it got tiring after a while, especially with the layout of Liberty City's roads.
Los Santo's roads in V are fun to drive, there's lots of little exit ramps and left turn lanes that make it feel sort-of real. In IV, cars would often pogostick from the roller coaster-like streets, and just getting from A to B, you'd spend a lot of time crashing over curbs and into highway barriers.
V's cars are much more responsive from a standstill (especially the Annis Elergy RH8 R35 GT-R clone). While not as challenging, it feels more fun. Most of IV's cars felt like they were stuck in quicksand compared to real-life cars.
Collisions do fell like the cars aren't deforming as much as they did in IV, and along with the cornering-on rails feel, it makes V feel more like a cheesy arcade racer than the unique feel of IV.
Lastly, from what vehicles I've tried so far, there seems to be a bigger range in how they feel compared to one another. Yeah, one sedan might drive similarly to the next one, but oddball things like the VW Baja Bug, VW-based sand rail, Dodge Power Wagon, ATV's, big rigs (with trailers again!) all really have unique driving qualities. Even Trevor's red truck feels wildly different from something like the newer Ram/F-150-esque pickup.
Plus, bicycles are back, pickup trucks can pull utility trailers, there's a ton of aircraft, and if you haven't taken a boat around in different water bodies, do it.
I do miss some of IV's driving, but thus far, I'd say V has it beat.
![]() 09/19/2013 at 17:48 |
I am definitely impressed with the variety of vehicles and how they definitely have distinctive characteristics. I wish that street cars were less capable off-road, though, or could suffer suspension/wheel damage from trying. And honestly, I probably wouldn't have any complaints about the driving if the damage model was the same as IV. You can definitely screw up the body in ways that you couldn't in IV, but it takes a hell of a lot more force to get there.
I guess I don't hate the driving in V, but this rant was a knee-jerk reaction to every review being OMG DRIVING IS SO MUCH BETTER FUCK GTA IV.
![]() 09/22/2013 at 07:23 |
I really dislike the driving in GTA V too.
Breaking distances are so short they are too ridiculous, even by "arcade" standards.
The way oversteer is depicted is ridiculous as well. You get the rear to slide, then as you start counter-steeringing only a tiny little bit, BAM, the front wheels recover like 200% grip in an instant. This either annhihilate any potential for controlled slides OR simply jerks the car the other way around like counter-steering gone wrong in a FWD car, in real life. Disgusting.
![]() 10/08/2013 at 14:06 |
Couldn't disagree more. Although I did manage to hone my driving skills in GTA IV until I would rarely have an accident, the physics in that game pissed me off to no end. It certainly wasn't realistic, contrary to what many people seemed to be saying. The only way to corner effectively was to brake until you lost almost all your speed and then slowly take the turn. The force of gravity suddenly seemed to drop to a fraction of what it should be as soon as you entered a car, meaning even the slightest bump could send you flying. Trying to use a motorbike was about as fun as getting shot in the leg. Thank god real life doesn't have even a slight resemblance to GTA IV physics or we'd all be having accidents every two seconds. I think GTA V has nailed it perfectly, though. Now I actually feel as if my car responds to the input like a real car, and I can even turn without having to come to a complete stop in the process.
![]() 03/15/2014 at 11:44 |
I think the driving physics are way better on GTA V than IV. In GTA IV, it takes almost 30 seconds to get the car on its way after a crash, unlike V. When it comes to V, you can turn the car's direction very easily. IV has ridiculous driving physics.
![]() 12/02/2014 at 23:48 |
San Andreas did it best (still in my top 5 games ever), they added more realism to the mechanics of it over the previous 2 games in the series, without making it difficult or unnatural. Each vehicle had just enough learning curve to make it interesting, some cars handled like GTA4 cars, while others would stick to the road (minivan vs. super cars).
I have a lifted offroad truck that handles better than most of the cars in GTA4 and it doesn't have a sway bar and has the softest springs available from an off the shelf lift kit. So what does that tell you for GTA4's driving physics.
I have yet to play GTA5 but if it's different from GTA4, I might actually want to play it now.
![]() 12/28/2014 at 22:00 |
Pathetic. Every single person here defending the physics change is fucking horrible at video games. Your spacial awareness is sub par, leaving you useless at anything that doesnt hold your hand like a baby. There is no room for civility in this comment. those being vocal about preferring GTA 5 are inexperienced and unaware of it. Inexcusable. You have seen your way to destroying something amazing for the sake of mass appeal.
![]() 12/29/2014 at 01:52 |
Uhh, I think you misunderstood my comment. There is much that I did like about IV's driving physics.
As for being inexperienced, I've been driving in video games since the early '80s, and in the real world I've driven thousands of different cars on and off road in dry, wet, snow, ice, mud, and dust since the early '90s.
![]() 06/13/2015 at 14:23 |
haha someone said driving isn’t the main part. 95% of the game is cars. and even the game has car in it name. Grand Theft AUTO. I don’t know what auto means in english, but in other language it is car.
![]() 06/13/2015 at 14:24 |
haha someone said driving isn’t the main part. 95% of the game is cars. and even the game has car in it name. Grand Theft AUTO. I don’t know what auto means in english, but in other language it is car